At WILDFIGHTER Our classes all combine a calculated mix of Boxing, Functional Training and HIIT cardio. The Classes run for approx 45minutes focusing on developing your boxing fundamentals, resistance training to build strength and lean muscle and building your anaerobic capacity! Don’t worry if your new to boxing or not as fit as you would like, thats fine because that is why you are here. Our friendly trainers will have your back and guide you through the class from start to finish. Remember you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great!

RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE like Ali and Foreman did back in the 70’s Only this time were doing WILDFIGHTER style
Get ready for 12 x 3 minute rounds of non stop action. The same distance as a championship fight! You will begin the session with ROUND 1, a group warm up incorporating aerobic exercises, shadow boxing and skipping. ROUND 2 you will jump on any of the available rounds in the room and follow the rounds in numerical order. The rounds will alternate between BOXING, FUNCTIONAL, HIIT rounds with 1 minute rest between each for the next 10 rounds. ROUND 12 is always a wildcard, Generally dependant on the mood of the trainer, it could be core work, bag sprints or a jog around the block.
This work out covers all bases Boxing, Functional exercises and HIIT cardio. Get ready to sweat!

The pound for pound is all about getting you strong and lean. In this class we add in more resistance based exercises to the functional rounds using heavier weight with isolated movements. Rather than working for time you will be lifting a certain amount off reps and sets in between your boxing rounds.
Again, this workout combines boxing and resistance style training to build muscle mass and create leaner bodies

high pace, high intensity
The Thriller in Manilla is a 24x1 minute round blow out. After a quick full body warm up we will set up 24 different rounds mixing boxing, HIIT and cardio. The exercises and rounds are all about high volume and and AMRAP (as many reps as possible) because of the shorter rest time, 30 sec, we set up the rounds side by side so it is easy to navigate your way to the next round to make sure your ready to get back to work when the bell goes!
And don’t worry we wont forget the core work at the end!

The "NO MAS" class (spanish for no more) Will have you screaming "NO MAS" by the end of it! 15 90 second efforts of BOXING, STRENGTH and HIIT cardio. The work out is broken up into the three different components and you will work through them 90 seconds on 30 seconds off for 5 rounds then a 1 minute break before beginning the next component. Like always we will finish off with core work, bags sprints or something else ridiculously tough!

The Sweet Science classes are purely focused on boxing only. No weights, No cardio, just good old fashioned boxing. We focus on more traditional boxing training techniques including skipping, shadow boxing, partnerwork and bag work. This is definitely the class for you if you're looking for that next step towards sparring and fighting.

3pm - 5pm (Mon - Thurs)
Wildfighter members can come and go, train in their own time under the guidance of the wildfighter trainers.
This is the time to come if you are looking to take your training to the next level. All members who are looking to compete are encouraged to come during this time to receive more one on one fighter treatment.

The WILDFIGHTER Little Champs program is an all-inclusive program designed to teach young kids the art of boxing. We incorporate traditional training methods with fun, dynamic exercises to keep your child engaged and learning along the way. Our classes are designed for all different ages, gender, experience and levels of fitness. The coaches are trained to nurture and encourage the kids developments to keep them on track and motivated to improve.

WILDFIGHTER is available for private classes for groups up to 50 people. We can run customised classes for schools, sporting clubs, work colleagues ect. For more information and bookings please contact will@wildfighter.com.au

So you want to be a fighter? Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Sign up now for the Ultimate challenge, WILDFIGHTER GYM WARS, Contact will@wildfighter.com.au for my information.